Augment your self-portrait to be controlled by input from the Arduino.
Modify your self-portrait to receive Serial data from the Arduino.
Create an Arduino application that can send at least one button input and at least one analog value (e.g. a potentiometer) that will modify
Review Serial Communication
What is “serial” communication?
What is “parallel” communication?
What does it mean for serial communication to be asynchronous?
What is an example?
What does it mean for serial communication to be synchronous?
What is an example?
What does UART mean?
What are I2C and SPI and when are they used?
What is a “logic level” and what are common voltage values for logic levels?
Why do we have to specify the communication speed when using UART-style serial communication?
What are bauds?
What are data bits?
What are parity bits?
What are stop bits?
What are the difference between these four Arduino expressions?
Serial.print("127");, Serial.print(127);, Serial.println(127); and Serial.write(127);?
What are the advantages of using one over the others?
What is “ASCII” and why is it used?
If you are unsure of the answers any of those questions, look it up or check your notes. If you are still are unclear post a question to the forum and we’ll discuss it.