1. Building off of the 03_CylonControllingMultipleLEDs example, create a sketch that:
    • When the potentiometer is turned all the way clockwise, all 6 LEDs are turned on.
    • When the potentiometer is turned only half way, 3 LEDs are on.
    • When the potentiometer is turned all the way anti-clockwise no LEDs are on.
    • Thus, the number of LEDs should be proportional to amount of voltage read by the analog input.

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  1. Building off of this week’s examples, attempt to recreate as many of the above LED patterns as you can in less than 2 hours. Some recommendations:
    • For each pattern attempt to determine the following:
      • What do you observe changing? (e.g. led position? light intensity? timing? fading vs. on / of?)
      • In addition to the array of led brightness values, what other variables will you need to keep track of?
      • How are those variables being modified over time?
      • Make a new sketch for each pattern building from our in-class frameworks.
  2. Key questions you are expected to be able to answer after the blinking light project above.
    • Arrays
      • What are arrays and how do you declare them in C++?
      • How do you read elements inside of an array?
      • How do you change or set elements inside of an array?
    • Looping
      • What is a for-loop and why might you use one?
      • What are the three pieces of information you need when you are constructing a for loop and what goes inside the curly braces?
        • (i.e. for( what goes in here? ) { what goes in here? } )
    • If you are unsure of the answers any of those questions, look it up or check your notes. If you are still are unclear post a question to the forum and we’ll discuss it.
  3. Review Number Representation
  4. Reading